Refresh complete

After a week of hard work with lots of CSS editing and cross platform testing, version 2.0 of my personal site is now finished and launched. Welcome!

It’s been a long time coming. The last year has seen a dramatic experimentation on my part with blogging and social media with fairly uneven results. I’ve tried regularly flogging Twitter, cropping and posting shots up on Tumblr, even committing myself to a 700 word plus rant here on my personal site, yet nothing seemed to feel fully comfortable.

So for now at least I’m getting back to basics. Here you’ll find a mixture of Daring Fireball-esque link posts that I find interesting; tech, design and film stories predominate. I’ll also occasionally be posting more extended, traditional blog posts, though I’m aiming here more for a happy medium size, probably 500, 600 words tops.

Hopefully you enjoy the layout. It’s an HTML5 based WordPress theme written pretty much from the ground up. It’s simplistic, letting the typography (go FacitWeb!) shine with a lighter, milder color contrast than I’ve used before. It’s also fully responsive, built on a 24 column variant of the Skeleton grid system; that should make for comfortable reading on your iPhone, iPad, Android or other mobile device of choice.

Comments or questions are always appreciated. Enjoy.