Good design is invisible: an interview with iA’s Oliver Reichenstein

Thoroughly enjoyable, useful interview over at The Verge with the head of design studio Information Architects, probably best known currently in the tech world for their work on iA Writer. I especially liked Reichenstein’s take on good typography:

The only thing that makes me think that Microsoft might have a chance on mobile devices is that they seem to invest a lot in typography, while Apple doesn’t seem to. For example, Microsoft’s latest future video uses Gotham as a system font. And while I don’t think that Gotham would be a good system font, it has the warmth and friendliness that Neue Helvetica on iOS lacks. I read that as “we care about typography”. With good typography you can score on a level that is subconscious to most users. Hardly anyone can discern good from bad typography, but everybody can feel it.