Kyle Orland over at Ars Technica played NintendoLand, one of the main launch titles for the Wii U. It has some nice touches, but there’s a learning curve:
The main problem with the five NintendoLand mini-games the company is showing at E3 is that they tend to require quite a bit of explanation to understand. Take Animal Crossing: Sweet Day, a slightly tweaked version of the hide-and-seek tech demo Nintendo showed off at last year’s E3. Before we got going, a PR rep had to spend about a minute explaining how the four players with Wii Remotes are working together to collect candy, how carrying more candy slows a player down, and how to drop candy when the antagonists (controlled by the GamePad) got too close. It’s not too complicated by video game standards, but it’s far from the five-second “swing it like a tennis racquet” explanation of Wii Sports, and it’s likely enough to scare away anyone not already versed in how games work.
The short version: there’s no Wii Sports equivalent when this thing launches.